In a shocking incident, a doctor was shot and killed inside a nursing home in southeast Delhi's Kalindi Kunj area by two minors on early Thursday morning. Police report that the assailants, two minors estimated to be around 16 years old, disguised themselves as patients before fatally shooting Javed Akhtar, a Unani practitioner (BUMS), at approximately 1.45 am. The circumstances surrounding the attack have raised concerns regarding security within healthcare facilities.
The accused came for treatment to get dressed for an injury at the three-bed Nima Hospital. The police revealed that one of them had been to the hospital the day before.
After dressing, they headed to the victim’s cabin and shot him dead. Other staff members had found the victim in a chair in his cabin oozing blood from the head.
Two nursing staff Gajala Parveen and Mohammad Kamil heard a gunshot at the time of the incident. When Parveen rushed to the scene, he found Akhtar sitting still in a pool of blood. The accused had fled the scene after the crime and a search is underway to trace the duo.
According to the police, the case appears to be of targeted killing, given that it was unprovoked and involved reconnaissance. The officials are reviewing CCTV footage from the facility’s reception, dressing room, and gallery.
The incident follows while there is a nationwide movement being organised by the doctors’ fraternity, seeking improved working conditions and workplace safety. The series of protests were triggered by junior doctors in early August in response to the rape-murder of a trainee doctor at the RG Kar Hospital and College in Kolkata.
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