An explosion was reported near a PVR cinema in the Prashant Vihar area of Rohini, Delhi, on Thursday morning, just over a month after a similar incident had caused widespread panic in the same locality, according to several media reports. Delhi Police PRO and Additional Commissioner of Police Sanjay Kumar Tyagi stated that one person had sustained minor injuries in the explosion at Delhi's Prashant Vihar. He mentioned that police teams, along with specialised units such as the special cell and forensics, were present at the scene. Tyagi added that the cause of the explosion was being investigated and, at present, there were no suspects. The individual with minor injuries was discharged after receiving treatment.
The Delhi Fire Service received a call regarding the blast at 11.48 am on Thursday, as cited by news agency ANI. Fire tenders were dispatched to the location, the Delhi Fire Service confirmed.
#WATCH | Delhi | Teams of the Delhi Police Crime Branch, Special Cell and Bomb Disposal Squad are present on the spot, where an explosion occurred in the Prashant Vihar area today. The area has been cordoned off.
— ANI (@ANI) November 28, 2024
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Teams from the Delhi Police Crime Branch, Special Cell, and Bomb Disposal Squad later arrived at the site. The area was cordoned off as a precautionary measure.
Similar blast in Delhi’s Rohini last month
In October, a powerful blast damaged a wall of the CRPF school in Rohini's Prashant Vihar, spreading panic throughout the city. The incident prompted major investigation agencies to visit the site to gather evidence. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
In response to the earlier explosion, the police issued a high alert across the city. Initial investigations pointed to the possibility of a crude bomb being involved. However, subsequent findings suggested the blast might have resulted from a burning cigarette butt, discarded by a man walking his dog, reacting with industrial waste in a garbage dump, as reported by The Indian Express.
Witnesses and the police stated that the October explosion, which was captured on CCTV, caused significant damage, including the destruction of part of the school wall, the shattering of nearby shop windowpanes, and damage to several parked cars. The sound of the explosion was reportedly heard several hundred metres away.
Following the incident, teams from the National Investigation Agency (NIA), National Security Guard (NSG), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), and Delhi Police cordoned off the site while forensic experts collected samples for analysis. (with agency inputs)