The central government on Thursday warned the public against "malicious" incoming calls from international numbers, claiming to cause disruption in India's stock exchanges and trading. "Such malicious calls are initiated by anti-national elements aimed at creating panic," a notification issued by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) read.
In a poster shared by the government with the intent to raise awareness, the warning read, "Beware of the malicious calls from international numbers spreading false information about Indian stock exchanges. The recorded messages urge to sell Indian stocks before March 12, claiming the impending destruction of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE)."
Public Advisory????
— DoT India (@DoT_India) January 4, 2024
Beware of malicious calls from international numbers claiming to cause disruption !
Report such Numbers to Your Telecom Service Providers !!
#StaySafe #StayVigilant @AshwiniVaishnaw @devusinh @neerajmittalias @Cyberdost@PIB_India
Notably, the government's instructions come days after Khalistani leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun warned about targeting the Indian stock market. The Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) founder called for the "destruction" of India's economy on March 12, which marks the anniversary of the 1993 Mumbai blasts.
This is not the first time when the wanted Khalistani leader has called for India's destruction. During the ICC Cricket World Cup last year, Pannun had threatened to shut down the 'India v Australia' final on November 19 in Gujarat's Ahmedabad. He had urged the global Sikh community to boycott Air India from Ahmedabad Airport, Amritsar and Delhi while threatening to blow up the flight on the day of the final match.