In the wake of recent floods in Jamnagar, Collector Bhavin Pandya said that the rescue and relief operation was successfully carried out with the assistance of various agencies and under the support of Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel. Bhavin Pandya, Collector, Jamnagar while speaking to ANI said, "We did the rescue and relief operation of people who are affected by floods in Jamnagar with the help of various agencies. We had the direction of our CM.
In record time, within a week, we provided relief to the people. We have provided help worth more than Rs 20 crore worth relief materials to the people"
While the state was battling floods, Jamnagar Collector Pandya, earlier, while speaking to ANI said that the district administration had already rescued 15,000 to 20,000 trapped people and shifted them to relief camps.As heavy rainfall wreaked havoc in Gujarat last month, a portion of a small bridge over Sir PN Road was also washed away due to flooding which affected the movement of commuters.
Following a request from the Gujarat government, six columns of the Indian Army also conducted rescue operations in the flood-affected areas.Meanwhile, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel also conducted continuous review meetings and received detailed reports from district collectors and municipal commissioners regarding the prompt relocation of people to safer locations, rescue operations, the availability of essential supplies, and the arrangement of relief kitchens during the meeting.
The Chief Minister advised people to follow the guidelines issued by the disaster management authorities and to cooperate with district administration when required for evacuation, as it is in the best interest of protecting lives and property.Chief Secretary Raj Kumar suggested that district collectors and municipal commissioners stay alert to the warnings issued by the Meteorological Department from time to time and plan in advance to handle the situation in their respective districts and cities.
(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)