On July 26, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) warned against heavy rainfall and issued red alerts in two states, Maharashtra and Goa. An orange alert has been given by the IMD for Uttarakhand, Karnataka and Gujarat. The national capital and surrounding areas were covered in a thick covering of clouds, making it difficult to see in some places.
In addition, an orange alert has been issued for the nation's capital by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), and it is anticipated that rain will continue to fall in the Capital city until July 28.
IMD weather 2024: Delhi today
The weather office posted on social media platform X stated, “A cloud mass is passing through Delhi. Movement is slow, spells of moderate to intense spell may persist during next 2 hours.”
Another post noted the probability of light to moderate rainfall at several areas (with occasionally intense spells) alongside isolated thunderstorms, lightning and breezes. Such weather conditions could affect Northwest Punjab, East Madhya Pradesh, south Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, South Haryana, Delhi NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu-Kashmir, Telangana, Rayalaseema, Odisha, Coastal Andhra Pradesh and east Assam for the following 3 hours.
IMD weather forecast 2024: Northwest India
The weather office anticipated "very heavy rainfall" in Uttarakhand on July 26 and 27. In addition, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar until July 29, Haryana on July 26 and 27, and Punjab on July 27 are likely to experience "heavy rainfall."
Weather forecast 2024: South peninsular India
According to a press release from IMD dated July 25, "Very heavy rainfall very likely at isolated places over South Interior Karnataka, Coastal Karnataka" will fall until July 27 and will fall in North Interior Karnataka on July 26. It adds, "Heavy rainfall very likely at isolated places" for the 26th July in Tamil Nadu, the 29th July in Kerala, and the 28th and 29th of July in Karnataka.
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Weather forecast 2024: East and northeast India
The IMD predicted fairly widespread light to moderate rainfall, thunderstorms, and lightning over East and Northeast India until July 30.