Indian Railways has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the United States Agency for International Development/India (USAID/India) to collaborate on clean energy and energy efficiency solutions. This partnership aims to reduce the carbon footprint of Indian Railways (IR) and work towards achieving the goal of net zero carbon emission by 2030.
The MoU, signed on June 14, entails technical assistance and support from USAID/India to Indian Railways. The areas of collaboration covered in the MoU include long-term energy planning, development of an energy efficiency policy and action plan for IR buildings, clean energy procurement, addressing regulatory and implementation barriers, bid design and management support for renewable energy procurement, promotion of e-mobility, and organising events, conferences, capacity-building programs, and study tours.
USAID is a US government agency that focuses on international development and supports economic growth, agriculture, clean energy, climate change, health, democracy, and humanitarian assistance.
Through this partnership, Indian Railways will receive technical support and expertise to implement clean energy and energy efficiency solutions. This can contribute significantly towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly railway system.