Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has rejected the Bharatiya Janata Party’s demand for the resignation of Minister Priyanka Kharge, amid allegations over the suicide of a contractor named Sachin in Bidar. The chief minister said that such a demand based on political motives without substantial evidence is unacceptable.
“Priyanka Kharge’s name is not found in Sachin’s death note. There is no evidence of her involvement, which rules out any question of her resignation,” Siddaramaiah told reporters.
He further said that Minister Kharge is ready to cooperate with any investigation into the issue.
Reference to KS Eshwarappa
The Chief Minister compared the case with that of BJP’s KS Eshwarappa’s earlier case in which his name had appeared on a death note. Siddaramaiah said that the present case has already been referred to the CID and the rest would depend upon their findings.
In response to the BJP’s call for a CBI investigation, Siddaramaiah questioned the party’s faith in the state police. “When the BJP was in power, they never referred a single case to the CBI. Now, they lack the moral authority to make such a demand,” he said.
BJP’s claim against Kharge
Karnataka state BJP alleged that Bidar’s contractor Sachin was harassed and threatened by Priyanka Kharge’s associate, Raju Kapanur, which forced him to commit suicide. BJP State President BY Vijayendra Yediyurappa also claimed on X (formerly Twitter) that the contractors in the region are facing extreme financial pressure and stress under the Congress government, which is forcing them to take desperate measures.
Meanwhile, Siddaramaiah has hinted at a cabinet expansion soon, indicating that he would discuss the issue with party leaders in the coming days.