The Metro Railway, Kolkata, has announced a trial surcharge of Rs 10 on every ticket for the special night service starting Wednesday. This service will operate on the New Garia-Dum Dum stretch of the Blue Line.
The special night services will be available on both ways between Kavi Subhash and Dum Dum at 10.40 pm on weekdays from January 1, 2025 (Wednesday), said a Kolkata Metro spokesperson on Tuesday while speaking to the news agency PTI.
The Metro spokesperson explained that the decision to impose a surcharge was taken due to the poor occupancy of special night services that had been introduced a few months ago. A surcharge of Rs 10 will apply to all special night services undertaking journeys beyond regular hours, without considering the distance travelled.
Passengers who are already paying Rs 5 for a one-stop journey or at least 2 km presently will need to pay Rs 15. On the other hand, passengers who pay Rs 25 for the New Garia-Dum Dum trip will need to pay Rs 35. “This experimental surcharge shall be reviewed in due course,” added the spokesperson.
Earlier, Metro Railways Kolkata on 3 December announced that it would levy a Rs 10 surcharge for night service tickets on the Dum Dum-New Garia corridor, effective from 10 December. However, it has decided to defer its decision after some sections of metro commuters criticised the decision on social media.
Commuter Payel Das, who takes the 10.40 pm train from Esplanade to reach New Garia, told The Times of India, “It is unfortunate that a public utility should keep harping on the low footfall issue. I don’t mind paying the extra Rs 10, provided they don’t withdraw it on the pretext of low footfall.”