A shocking incident of mass looting took place in Etmadpur, Agra, when a crowd seized the opportunity to loot the spilled country liquor from a delivery vehicle. The delivery vehicle transporting 110 boxes of liquor to a shop in Mitawali village accidentally hit a speed bump near Barham Road, which resulted in the door opening, causing 30 boxes to spill onto the street. Passerby seized the opportunity to take the spilled bottles leading to a rapid depletion of the fallen boxes.
Watch the video here:
Liquor crates fell from a vehicle in Agra,crowd looted liquor crates that had fallen on road,
— Amir qadri (@AmirqadriAgra) July 21, 2024
department's vehicle was going to deliver liquor to shop,Women also took away liquor in their @Uppolice @dgpup @agrapolice @DCPWestAgra @excisedepartment pic.twitter.com/UtZ4MKNAK7
The video of mass looting goes viral over the internet highlighting the swift and audacious action of people involved in the incident.
When the driver realised the incident, he returned to the spot, but it was too late. The bottles had been looted till then and all the culprits had disappeared.
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Sandeep Yadav, a resident of Rajpur Chungi, revealed that he runs a liquor shop in Mitawali village. The transportation was scheduled to take place from Transport Nagar to his shop and a total of 110 boxes were being transported but due to that accident 30 boxes fell on the way and passersby took advantage of the situation and swiftly absconded with the fallen boxes.
The scene was recorded in the viral video shared on social media, showing people making efforts to grab liquor bottles amid commotion.
The incident sparked astonishment among the netizens raising concerns over law and order. Local authorities were ordered to investigate the cases leading to the spill and the subsequent mass looting. The viral video ignited discussion over the societal implications of alcohol availability.