Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Friday said here that Tata Sons chairman N Chandrasekaran will co-chair the Task Force for Economic Development, for achieving a Swarna (golden) Andhra Pradesh by 2047.
The Tata Sons chairman, who called on the Chief Minister today, would be a part of the task force, which comprises intellectuals and industry leaders.
"The GoAP (government of Andhra Pradesh) is forming a Task Force for Economic Development of Swarna Andhra Pradesh,,,I'm delighted to announce that Chandrasekaran will co-chair this Task Force," said Naidu in a post on X.
Calling Chandrasekaran an old friend, the CM observed that the Tata Group has also agreed to team up with the state for the Centre for Global Leadership on Competitiveness to be established in Amaravati by the Confederation of Industry (CII).
Further, Naidu said he and Chandrasekaran explored opportunities for setting up a TCS development centre in Visakhapatnam, and also enhance the state's air connectivity through Air India and Vistara, among other partnerships and sectors.
IT and Electronics Minister Nara Lokesh and Industries Minister TG Bharat also met the top Tata executive.
We need to learn from Indian wisdom, appreciate it, says Chandrasekaran