The Mines Ministry on Friday said that inputs were taken from the Tamil Nadu government before the auction of the Nayakkarpatti tungsten block and no communication from any quarter, including from the state, regarding any opposition to the sale was received.
The statement has come in the wake of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin urging Prime Minister Narendra Modi to cancel the award of tungsten mining rights in Madurai district.
Stalin has asserted that the state government will not allow mining there considering aspects such as a biodiversity heritage site and people's opposition.
Tungsten is a critical and strategic mineral. "The Nayakkarpatti Tungsten Block covering an area of over 20.16 sq. km. was proposed for the auction in the month of February 2024. Inputs were taken from the Government of Tamil Nadu before the block was put up for auction," the mines ministry said in a statement.
The state government had informed that land schedule details were unavailable. It was also informed that a quarry lease for granite over 47.37 hectares in Aritapatti Village, Melur Taluk, had been granted to TAMIN, a State PSU, on September 19, 2008 for a period of 30 years.
Subsequently, TAMIN submitted a surrender proposal for the lease. "Additionally, the state government sent a notification from the Environment, Climate Change, and Forest Department notifying specific survey 379/1, 379/2 of Aritapatti village, and survey no. 137 in Meenakshipuram villages of Madurai District as a Biodiversity Heritage Site.
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"As per the information available, out of the total area of 20.16 sq. km., only 1.93 sq. km within Aritapatti and Meenakshipuram villages has been notified as a Biodiversity Heritage Site," it said.
Hindustan Zinc Ltd emerged as the preferred bidder in the auction of the block on November 7. Since February, when the block was first put to auction till the declaration of result of the auction, "There was no communication from any quarter including State Government regarding any opposition to the auction. Nor did the State Government request the Central Government to drop the block from auction," it said.
Nayakkarpatti Tungsten block is spread over in an area of 20.16 sq. km. This block has been auctioned as a composite licence block, which means that the block has been partially explored and the successful bidder will have to carry out exploration in the block before mining lease is granted.
The mining lease is ultimately granted only for a part of the composite licence block of 20.16 sq. km. where there is sufficient evidence of existence of mineral contents.
For carrying out exploration in any forest area, the guidelines laid down by MoEF&CC are followed. Areas such as Biodiversity site is not included for exploration activities. Further, before a mining lease is granted, necessary forest clearance and environmental clearance are required to be obtained as per norms and any area which is not agreed to by the MoEF&CC is not included in the mining lease area.
The economic development including development of the mineral sector has to go hand in hand with the preservation of the country's archaeological, cultural and natural heritage.
"The norms fixed by MoEF&CC and other agencies in the country are strictly followed to ensure this objective and will also be followed in case of the Nayakkarpatti Tungsten block also," it said. This tungsten block comprises Kavattayampatty, Ettimangalam, A Vallalapatty, Arittapatty, Kidaripatty and Narasingampatty villages.
Among them, Arittapatti is a notified bio-diversity heritage site and is famous for archaeological monuments including cave temples, sculptures, Jain symbols, Tamil Brahmi Scripts and Pancha Pandavar stone beds. Any mining activity will cause irreparable damage to these sites, Stalin said.