In Uttar Pradesh, a controversy has emerged over 186 job vacancies, a number small in the context of India's vast population but significant enough to be called a “shocking scam” by the Allahabad High Court. Approximately 20 per cent of these jobs in the UP Assembly and Legislative Council were allegedly awarded to relatives of officials who oversaw the recruitment process. The allegations have sparked criticism over nepotism and corruption.
According to a report by The Indian Express, around 250,000 people applied for these positions. However, 20 per cent of the jobs were given to relatives of high-ranking officials, including the then UP Speaker’s Public Relations Officer (PRO) and his brother, a minister’s nephew, and the son of the Legislative Council secretariat head.
The list of successful candidates also includes four relatives of the Legislative Assembly secretariat head, children of the Parliamentary Affairs in-charge, the son of a Deputy Lokayukta, and the son of a former Officer on Special Duty to two Chief Ministers, according to The Indian Express.
Five candidates linked to exam conductors
Additionally, at least five successful candidates are reportedly relatives of the owners of two private firms—TSR Data Processing and Rabhav—that conducted the recruitment tests.
Court orders probe
The appointments, made three years ago, came under scrutiny in September 2023 when the Allahabad High Court ordered a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe. The court likened the case to a “recruitment scam” involving “hundreds of recruits illegally and unlawfully hired by an external agency of shaken credence.”
The probe was initiated following a plea by three unsuccessful candidates. However, after an appeal by the Legislative Council, the Supreme Court stayed the investigation. The next hearing is scheduled for January 6, 2025.
Questionable appointments
These contentious appointments were for positions offering a salary range of Rs 47,600 to Rs 1,50,000 per month.