Telangana is set to build the world's first 3D-printed Hindu temple. The temple will be built in a tie-up between a Hyderabad-based construction company Apsuja Infratech and Simpliforge Creations, a 3D-printed construction company.
The 3D-printed temple will be situated within Charvitha Meadows, a gated villa community at Burugupally in Siddipet. The 3D-printed temple structure is being built in an area of 3800 square feet.
The 3D technology used to build the temple utilises indigenously developed materials and software.
According to a report published in Hindustan Times, Hari Krishna Jeedipalli, MD, Apsuja Infratech, said, "The three sanctums, or garbhas, within the structure, represent a 'modak', dedicated to Lord Ganesha; a Shivalay, a square abode devoted to Lord Shankar; and a Lotus shaped home for Goddess Parvati."
Jeedipalli further added that the team is further working on a lotus-shaped temple of goddess Parvati.
In March this year, Simpliforge Creations along with IIT-Hyderabad, built the prototype of the bridge within 2 hours.
Dhruv Gandhi, the CEO of Simpliforge Creations, also shared his thoughts about the 3D project, he said, "This was also assembled on-site at Charvitha Meadows, Siddipet. The concept and design were developed and evaluated by Prof K V L Subramaniam and his research group from the civil engineering department of IIT Hyderabad. After undergoing load testing and evaluation for functional use, it is now being used as a pedestrian bridge in the garden around the temple."
Over a period of 10 days, it took only six hours for the team to print dome-size modak which is actually a challenging task. "We are hoping that what we learned from the 'modak' will let us finish the 'lotus' earlier than that," said Gandhi.
The 3D-printed temple will be situated within Charvitha Meadows, a gated villa community at Burugupally in Siddipet. The 3D-printed temple structure is being built in an area of 3800 square feet.
The 3D technology used to build the temple utilises indigenously developed materials and software.
According to a report published in Hindustan Times, Hari Krishna Jeedipalli, MD, Apsuja Infratech, said, "The three sanctums, or garbhas, within the structure, represent a 'modak', dedicated to Lord Ganesha; a Shivalay, a square abode devoted to Lord Shankar; and a Lotus shaped home for Goddess Parvati."
Jeedipalli further added that the team is further working on a lotus-shaped temple of goddess Parvati.
In March this year, Simpliforge Creations along with IIT-Hyderabad, built the prototype of the bridge within 2 hours.
Dhruv Gandhi, the CEO of Simpliforge Creations, also shared his thoughts about the 3D project, he said, "This was also assembled on-site at Charvitha Meadows, Siddipet. The concept and design were developed and evaluated by Prof K V L Subramaniam and his research group from the civil engineering department of IIT Hyderabad. After undergoing load testing and evaluation for functional use, it is now being used as a pedestrian bridge in the garden around the temple."
Over a period of 10 days, it took only six hours for the team to print dome-size modak which is actually a challenging task. "We are hoping that what we learned from the 'modak' will let us finish the 'lotus' earlier than that," said Gandhi.
Telangana Formation Day 2023
The 3D-printed Hindu temple was announced yesterday, a day before Telangana formation day. Telangana celebrates its formation day on June 2 every year. The day marks the significance of Telangana's history for the sustained Telangana movement through the years.
All 33 districts in the state honour the people of Telangana for remarkable achievements of science, arts and literature.
All 33 districts in the state honour the people of Telangana for remarkable achievements of science, arts and literature.