Capital markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday imposed a penalty of Rs 9 lakh on BGR Energy Systems for disclosure lapses to the stock exchanges and flouting other market norms. The order came after the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) conducted an examination in the matter of BGR Energy Systems Ltd (BGR) listed on the BSE and NSE. The investigation was to ascertain whether there was any violation of the provisions of LODR (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) regulations by BGR Energy Systems. During the examination, the regulator observed that BGR had allegedly failed to comply with the provisions of disclosure norms and various Sebi rules. Thereafter, the market watchdog initiated adjudication proceedings against the noticee (BGR Energy Systems) and issued a show-cause notice to the company on August 2, 2024. The regulator observed that BGR has admittedly uploaded the audited financial statements of its subsidiary companies viz, BGR Boilers Pvt Ltd and BGR .
The fall in BGR Energy Systems stock price came after the company announced that its contract has been terminated by Jharkhand Urja Sancharan Nigam Limited (JUSNL).
The uptick in stock price came after BGR Energy announced that it plans to raise up to Rs 1,000 crore via rights issue of equity shares