Gold Price Today: The price of 24-carat gold fell Rs 10 in early trade on Wednesday, with ten grams of the precious metal trading at Rs 77,550 according to the GoodReturns website. The price of silver also declined by Rs 100, with one kilogram of the precious metal selling at Rs 90,400.
The price of 22-carat gold also went down by Rs 10, with ten grams of the yellow metal selling at Rs 71,090.
The price of ten grams of 24-carat gold in Mumbai is in line with prices in Kolkata, Chennai, and Hyderabad at Rs 77,550.
In Delhi, the price of ten grams of 24-carat gold stood at Rs 77,700.
In Mumbai, the price of ten grams of 22-carat gold is at par with Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad, at Rs 71,090.
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In Delhi, the price of ten grams of 22-carat gold stood at Rs 71,240.
The price of one kilogram of silver in Delhi is in line with prices in Banglore, and Kolkata at Rs 90,400.
In Mumbai, price of one kilogram of silver stood at Rs 90,400.
The price of one kilogram of silver in Chennai stood at Rs 97,900.
US gold prices were poised for an annual surge of over 27 per cent, their biggest yearly rise since 2010, driven by safe-haven demand and central banks' rate cuts, although the mood could turn more cautious depending on policy shifts under a second Donald Trump presidency.
Spot gold rose 0.7 per cent to $2,624.24 per ounce as of 02:31 p.m. EST (1931 GMT) on Tuesday and US gold futures settled 0.9 per cent higher at $2,641.00.
Silver is headed for its best year since 2020, having added nearly 22 per cent so far. Platinum and palladium are set for annual losses and have dipped over 8 per cent and 17 per cent, respectively.
(With inputs from Reuters)