The Tamil Nadu government on Thursday said home and personal care products maker Dabur India will set up a Rs 400 crore manufacturing plant in the state's Villupuram district, marking the FMCG company's maiden foray into the South. State Industries Minister TRB Rajaa said a pact was inked on Thursday for this purpose. "Welcome to Tamil Nadu, @DaburIndia! In fact, welcome to South India! In the presence of Honourable @CMOTamilNadu Thiru. @MKStalin avargal, @Guidance_TN today signed an MoU with Dabur for the establishment of a world-class manufacturing plant, their FIRST EVER in South India, at the SIPCOT Food Park in #Tindivanam, Villupuram district," Rajaa said in a post on 'X.' He said the company will invest Rs 400 crore in this facility which will create over 250 jobs. "More importantly, it will open up new opportunities for farmers in the nearby #Delta region to sell #AgroProduce to be processed in this facility," he added. Dabur's decision to choose Tamil Nadu is a testament
Religare open offer case: Dabur Chairman Mohit Burman, three independent directors of Care Health Insurance and the manager of the open offer have been summoned by the Enforcement Directorate
Company to undertake price increases as consumers come back into consumption fold
Analysts believe, Indian textiles companies are likely to benefit from the Bangladesh turmoil, while that of FMCG and auto may take a hit. Here's a technical outlook on key stocks from these sectors.
According to market research firm Kantar, bottled soft drinks breached an annual penetration of 50% in the year ending March 2024
Harsh summers, cola price wars play spoilsport for juice segment
'The country's demand environment remains challenging, marked by high food inflation and unemployment rate,' says the FMCG firm
FMCG maker Dabur India is optimistic of a gradual uptick in consumption this fiscal and expects its power brands to drive growth as it expands deeper into the hinterland, its chairman Mohit Burman has said. Dabur expects an improvement in rural consumption, where it will continue to expand its footprint, while for urban markets, it will increase play by adding more premium offerings and entering into adjacent categories, according to the latest annual report of the company. "We are optimistic of a gradual uptick in consumption trends over the course of the next year, considering predictions of a normal monsoon, improving macroeconomic indicators, continued government spending on infrastructure building, and lower inflation," Burman said while addressing the shareholders of the company. The company is "confident" about the resilience of its business strategy. It expects its power brands to continue to drive growth as it expands its reach deeper, increasing its total addressable ...
Company to expand rural footprint, premium portfolio to drive growth in FY25
Recovery in rural markets should support Dabur's portfolio, as it is heavily skewed toward rural areas, said brokerages.