Realty major DLF's sales bookings jumped over three-fold to Rs 6,404 crore during the first quarter of this fiscal on strong demand for its luxury housing properties. The company had sold properties worth Rs 2,040 crore in the year-ago period. DLF has given guidance to achieve Rs 17,000 crore worth of sales bookings for the entire 2024-25 financial year as against nearly Rs 15,000 crore in the preceding year. According to its latest investor presentation, the company's sales bookings in the April-June quarter were driven by its luxury project 'DLF Privana West' at Sector 76/77, Gurugram that saw sales of Rs 5,600 crore. In its super-luxury housing project 'The Camellias' at DLF 5, Gurugram, the company sold 4 units for Rs 251 crore. On Thursday, DLF reported a 23 per cent increase in its consolidated profit to Rs 645.61 crore in the first quarter of this fiscal. Its net profit stood at Rs 527 crore in the year-ago period. Total income rose to Rs 1,729.82 crore during the April-J
Total income rose to Rs 1,729.82 crore during the April-June period of this fiscal from Rs 1,521.71 crore in the corresponding period of the previous year, according to a regulatory filing
Union Budget 2024-25 impact: DLF, Brigade Enterprises, Prestige Estates, Godrej Properties and Sunteck Realty dropped up to 5 per cent afer FM proposed to withdraw indexation benefit on house resale.
On the bourses, shares of Prestige Estates, Oberoi Realty, Brigade Enterprises, DLF, Embassy REIT, and Mindspace Business Parks REIT, have surged in the range of 11 to 214 per cent
Realty major DLF will focus on expanding its business to develop residential and commercial projects and is entering new markets Mumbai and Goa to tap into growth opportunities, its Chairman Rajiv Singh said. In his message to shareholders in the annual report, Singh said the company will continue to focus on corporate governance, operational excellence and upholding the value of the company's founders. "Our focus is to expand both our businesses, residential and commercial. The residential business continued its growth momentum, we witnessed an uptick in new sales bookings, coupled with record sales collections. "The markets response to our products continues to be very encouraging. It is with this conviction that we are entering new geographies like Mumbai and Goa," he said. While the company continues to launch new projects in Delhi-NCR, Singh said the company's strategy is to introduce a diverse range of offerings to meet the aspirational needs of the market. DLF has achieved