Pavan Kumar Bajaj and Karan Bajaj, the promoters of Electronics Mart India, on Friday, divested a 7.8 per cent stake for Rs 689 crore via open market transactions, while Norway's Government Pension Fund Global and SBI MF picked up the stake. According to the bulk deal data on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), Pavan Bajaj and Karan Bajaj sold 1.50 crore shares each, representing a 7.8 per cent stake in Electronics Mart India Ltd (EMIL). The shares were offloaded in the price range of Rs 229.75-229.77 apiece, taking the transaction value to Rs 689.28 crore. After the latest transaction, the combined shareholding of promoter and promoter group entities' in EMIL has declined to 65.17 per cent from 72.97 per cent. Meanwhile, SBI Mutual Fund (MF) purchased 1.51 crore scrips, amounting to a 3.92 per cent stake in EMIL and Norges Bank - Government Pension Fund Global and Franklin Templeton MF acquired 99.41 lakh shares of Electronics Mart India. Shares were bought by these entities in th