10:49 AM, 17th Nov 2015
JM Financial Institutional Limited (Managertothe offer) behalf of Imperial Consultants and Securities Pvt Ltd has issued this Post Offer Public Announcement (Post Offer PA) to the Public Shareholders of Essar Ports Ltd (Target Company) pursuant to regulation 18 of the Securifies & Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations 2009 as amended (Delisting Regulations) in respect of the delisting of the equity shares of face value Rs. 10/- each of the Company (Equity Shares) from BSE Ltd (the BSE) and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (the NSE together with the BSE referred to as the Stock Exchanges) (the Delisting Offer). This Post Offer PA is in continuation to and should be read in conjunction with the public announcement dated October 27 2015 (the PA) and the letter of offerdated October27 2015 (Offer Letter).