Sector :
ISIN Code :
Not ListedBSE
Pursuant to Reg 39 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations) we would like to inform you that Registrar and Transfer Agent of Company M/s. KFin Technologies Private Limited has received below mentioned request for issue of duplicate Share Certificates from respective Shareholders:<BR> Name Folio no. Certificate no. No. of Shares Dist From Dist To<BR> 1. Anand Ram Raitani<BR> A03726<BR> 119137<BR> 193009<BR> 284334<BR> 284335 160 14114885<BR> 14442086<BR> 28658595<BR> 28658645 14114934<BR> 14442135<BR> 28658644<BR> 28658654<BR> 2. Gurmehar Singh Majithia<BR> G01509<BR> 136067<BR> 203176<BR> 355426 - <BR> 355439 1776 12511082<BR> 25272645<BR> 41754594 12511111<BR> 25273724<BR> 41755259<BR> 3. Mallappa Dodakallappa Hangarki Sharada C Yashoda Hangarki<BR> M00546 14492<BR> 40510<BR> 67528<BR> 103070 100 539046<BR> 4807839<BR> 6735201<BR> 12980610 539070<BR> 4807850<BR> 6735213<BR> 12980659<BR> <BR> We shall issue the duplicate Share Certificate(s) only after the necessary formalities are carried out by the shareholder(s). We are enclosing the proof of the date of receipt of information by the Company<BR>