BSE : 540266
Sector :Others
ISIN Code : INE804Q01013
Not ListedBSE
-2.39 (-6.13%)
12:00 AM,13th Dec 2024
With reference to our letter dated 6th September 2024 with which we had forwarded our Annual Report containing the Notice of our 39th AGM for inter-alia seeking the approval of our shareholders for passing the resolutions brief description of which ae given below:1. Approval and adoption of Financial Statements for year ended 31st March 2024.2. To re-appoint retiring Director Mr. Mallikarjunan Venkatraman (Din 08693383) who retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment and in this regards to pass the relevant resolution as an ordinary resolution.The said AGM was held today and all the above said resolutions were duly deliberated.The voting results on the above resolutions will be furnished to your esteemed Exchange under Regulation 44(3) of the above said Regulations in the prescribed format separately within the stipulated time.