Sector :
ISIN Code :
Not ListedBSE
Ref: Company Code No. 505539. <BR> <BR> Sub: Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of the SEBI (Depositors and Participants) Regulation 2018 for the quarter ended 31st December 2019<BR> <BR> <BR> In Compliance with Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositors and Participants) Regulation 2018 we are forwarding herewith a copy of the Certificate received from M/s Universal Capital Securities Pvt.Ltd the Registrar and share Transfer Agent of the Company for the quarter ended 31st December 2019.<BR> <BR> This is for your information and record.<BR> <BR> Kindly take on your record.<BR> <BR> Thanking you<BR> <BR> Yours truly<BR> For IMC FINANCE LIMITED <BR>