Book Building
₹ 75.00 cr
₹ 100
₹ 7,000.00
The Shares of Globus Spirits Ltd have now been listed.
Initial Public issue of 75,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10/- each for cash at a price of Rs. 100 (including share premium of Rs. 90 per equity share) aggregating to Rs. 75.00 Crores (hereinafter referred to as the issue). The issue comprises a Reservation for eligible Employees of upto 50,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/-each (the Employee Reservation Portion) aggregating to Rs. 0.50 Crores and the net issue to the Public of 74,50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/-each (the Net Issue) aggregating to Rs. 74.50 Crores. The issue will constitute 37.96 % of the fully diluted post-issue paid-up capital of the company. The net isue to public would constitute 37.71% of the fully diluted post issue paid-up capital of the company.Issue Price: Rs. 100/- per equity share of face value of Rs. 10/- eachThe Issue price is 10.0 times of the face value
Installation of Multi-Pressure Distillation Plant. Installation of Multi-Pressure Distillation plant. Spirit Based Starch Liquefaction Expn 60 to 75KLPD. Fermentation Modifi.Work in Grain Based Distillery. Powerpac Travelling Grate Furance Boilders. 2000 KW/ 415V Bleed-cum-Back Pressure Turbine. Green House Gases Abatement Project under CDM. Brand Development for Marketing of IMFL Brands. IMFL Bottling Section. IMFL Bottling Section. Miscellaneous Civil Structures.
Globus Spirits Ltd, C-13 Pannalal Silk, Mills Cmpd LBS Marg, Bhandup West, Mumbai - 400 078
Phone - 91-022-25963838
Fax - 91-022-25946969
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