Book Building
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Public issue of 185,043,600 equity shares of Rs. 5 each (Equity Share) for cash at a price of Rs. [*] per equity share of Hindustan Copper Limited (The Company) aggregating Rs. [*] crores (The Issue). The issue comprises a fresh issue of 92,521,800 equity shares by the company (The Fresh Issue) and an offer for sale of 92,521,800 equity shares (The Offer for Sale) by The President of India, acting through the Ministry of Mines, Government of India (The Selling Shareholder). The issue comprises a net issue to the public of up to 183,970,000 equity shares (The Net Issue) and a reservation of 1,073,600 equity shares for subscription by eligible employees (The Employee Reservation Portion). The issue would constitute 18.18% of the post issue paid-up equity capital of the company and the net issue would constitute 18.08% of the post issue paid-up equity capital of the company.The face value of the equity share is Rs. 5 each
Phase I of the planned MCP expansion project.
Hindustan Copper Ltd, Plot No 17-24, Vittal Rao Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad-500081
Phone - 91-040-44655185/44655000
Fax - 91-040-23420814/23420857
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