Book Building
₹ 36.51 cr
₹ 155
₹ 7,750.00
The Shares of Pritish Nandy Communications Ltd have now been listed.
Public issue of 26,17,000 equity shares (issue) of Rs 10/-each issued forcash at a premium of Rs 145/- per share aggregating Rs 155/- per share aggregating Rs 40.56 cr. The issue consists of book built portion of 23,55,300 equity shares and a fixed price portion of 2,61,700 equity shares.
To finance expansion of existing operations. To setup internet web sites and webcasting. To setup internet web sites and webcasting. To setup internet web sites and webcasting. To setup internet web sites and webcasting. To setup content driven theme centers. To setup content driven theme centers. To setup content driven theme centers. To setup content driven theme centers. To diversify in the content business. To diversify in the content business. To diversify in the content business. To diversify in the content business.
Pritish Nandy Communications Ltd, Sri Padmavati Bhavan, Plot No 93 Rd No 16, MIDC Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093
Phone - 91-22-28372385
Fax - 91-22-28201783
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