Fixed Price - SME
₹ 133.51 cr
₹ 1170
₹ 1,17,000.00
Initial public offer of 11,41,100 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each (the Equity Shares) of Tulsian PMS Limited (The Company or Tulsian or The Issuer) at an offer price of Rs. 1,170/- per equity share for cash, aggregating to Rs. 133.51 crores comprising of offer for sale of 5,00,000 equity shares aggregating Rs. 58.50 crores by Shashikant Parmanand Tulsian, 4,47,100 equity shares aggregating Rs. 52.31 crores by Abhinandan Shashikant Tulsian and 1,94,000 equity shares aggregating Rs. 22.70 crores by Shashikant P Tulsian (HUF) (Selling Shareholders) (Offer for Sale) (Public Offer) . The offer includes a reservation of 57,300 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each, at an offer price of Rs. 1,170/- per equity share for cash, aggregating Rs. 6.70 crores will be reserved for subscription by the market maker to the offer (the Market Maker Reservation Portion). The public offer less market maker reservation portion i.e. net offer of up to 10,83,800 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each, at an offer price of Rs. 1,170/- per equity share for cash, aggregating upto Rs. 126.80 crores is herein after referred to as the Net Offer. The public offer and net offer will constitute 26.36 % and 25.04 % respectively of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital of the company.The face value of the equity shares is Rs. 10/- each and the offer price is 117 times of the face value.
Listing the Equity Shares on the Stock Exchanges.
Tulsian PMS Ltd, D-153/A 1st Flr, Okhla Industrial Are, Phase-I, New Delhi-110020
Phone - 91-11-26812682
Fax - 91-11-30857562
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