Markets regulator Sebi on Friday imposed a penalty totalling Rs 54 lakh on Jaiprakash Power Ventures, its MD and CEO Suren Jain and other top officials for misrepresenting the company's financial statements. Others who have been penalised by Sebi are company's chairperson Manoj Gaur, executive directors -- Sunil Kumar Sharma and Praveen Kumar Singh -- chief financial officer R K Porwal and former whole-time member M K V Rama Rao. They have been directed to pay the fine within 45 days, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in its 89-page order. This came after the regulator conducted an investigation in the matter of Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd (JPVL), a part of the Jaypee Group of companies, to ascertain the possible violations of PFUTP (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices) and LODR (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) rules. In its probe, Sebi found that the company overstated its books of accounts by not adopting the correct ...
Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd on Saturday reported a three-fold rise in its consolidated profit after tax (PAT) to Rs 182.66 crore for the July-September quarter of 2024-25 on account of lower expenses. It had posted a PAT of Rs 68.66 crore in the July-September period of 2023-24, the company said in an exchange filing. Total income decreased to Rs 1,305.19 crore in the second quarter from Rs 1,359.23 crore a year ago. The company reduced its expenses to Rs 1,070.76 crore from Rs 1,172.02 crore in the same quarter a year ago.