Four Kirloskar companies on Saturday said they have filed an appeal before the Securities Appellate Tribunal challenging the SEBI letter asking them to disclose the deed of family settlement that was signed by members of the Kirloskar family on September 11, 2009. In a joint statement, the Kirloskar companies -- Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Ltd (KFIL), Kirloskar Industries Ltd (KIL), Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Ltd, Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd -- said they have filed the appeal before SAT challenging the SEBI letter dated December 30, 2024 wherein the market regulator advised them to disclose the Deed of Family Settlement (DDS). On December 31, these companies stated that they were preparing to legally challenge the letter by SEBI. The markets watchdog in its letter stated that "since the DFS is subsisting in nature, indirectly creates a restriction on the listed entities managed/promoted by the parties to such DFS, warrants disclosure, regardless of whether such listed entity is a ..