The price of 22-carat gold also rose by Rs 10, with ten grams of the yellow metal selling at Rs 72,610
Thursday's session had already painted a grim picture, with the Sensex plunging 528.28 points (0.68 per cent) to close at 77,620.21. The Nifty shed 162.45 points (0.69 per cent) to settle at 23,526.50
Nifty Today, Jan 10: Short build up is seen in the NIFTY futures, where we have seen 8 per cent rise in the open interest
The government has also revised the electronics import value for this period downward by $2.7 billion to $61.2 billion
Airtel, with industry-leading ARPU and subscriber growth, may also see a 60 basis points (bps) growth in operating profit margin
Quadrant Future Tek on Monday garnered Rs 130.50 crore from anchor investors ahead of IPO
Ninety-one firms raised Rs 1.6 trillion through main board IPOs in 2024, more than three times Rs 49 436 crores through 57 IPOs in 2023
Banks executed NDF trades worth more than $161 billion at the offshore hub, a sharp rise of 140 per cent from a year ago, data from Clearing Corporation of India showed
SIP contributions hit Rs 26K crore for first time
The Sensex ended the session at 77,620, a decline of 528 points, or 0.7 per cent