Adani Green Energy shares slipped 4.4 per cent in Tuesday's trade on BSE logging an intraday low at Rs 1,030 per share. The stock dipped after the company announced Amit Singh, the current CEO of Adani Green Energy, will step down from his position, effective March 31, 2025.
Around 12:40 PM, Adani Green Energy share price was down 3.9 per cent at Rs 1,036 per share on BSE. In comparison, the BSE Sensex was down 0.23 per cent at 78,070.24. The market capitalisation of the company stood at Rs 1,64,105.76 crore. The 52-week high of the stock stood at Rs 2,173.65 per share and the 52-week low stood at Rs 870.9 per share.
Amit Singh will transition to his new role as CEO of International Energy Business of the Adani Group. Singh is an energy industry strategist and a leader in energy transition with extensive global experience with SLB (formerly Schlumberger). He has worked in over a dozen countries and has held positions such as Managing Director and Country Chair, in Qatar and subsequently Director Corporate Strategy & Marketing, Digital and Integration division based out of London.
Meanwhile, Ashish Khanna, the current CEO of Adani Group's International Energy Business will be the new CEO of Adani Green Energy effective April 1, 2025.
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Ashish Khanna has over three decades of experience in the areas of renewables, infrastructure, project management, and contracts management in both India and abroad.
Adani Green Energy Limited develops, owns, and operates utility scale grid-connected solar, wind, hybrid, and hydro-pumped storage renewable power plants. It currently has an operating renewable portfolio of 11.2 GW, the largest in India, spread across 12 states. The company has set a target of achieving 50 GW by 2030 aligned to India’s decarbonization goals.
The company is focused on leveraging technology to reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) in pursuit of enabling large-scale adoption of affordable clean energy. Its operating portfolio is certified ‘water positive for plants of more than 200 MW capacity’, ‘single-use plastic free’, and ‘zero waste-to landfill’, a testament to the company’s commitment to powering sustainable growth.
In the past one year, Adani Green Energy shares have lost 0.32 per cent against Sensex's rise of 8.2 per cent.