Shares of Anand Rathi Wealth hit a record high of Rs 1,089, as they rallied 17 per cent on the BSE in Thursday's intra-day trade after the company reported a healthy performance in the April-June quarter (Q1FY24). Its revenue growth came in at 21.3 per cent to Rs 178 crore, driven by healthy growth of 11.3 per cent quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) in assets under management (AUM). On year-on-year (YoY) basis, revenue and AUM grew 33.6 per cent and 32 per cent, respectively.
The company's mutual fund (MF) portfolio witnessed strong uptick with AUM increasing by 36 per cent YoY to Rs 19,982 crore; however healthy traction in non-MF portfolio remains primary driver for revenue. Profit after tax growth came at 24.6 per cent QoQ and 34 per cent YoY in Q1FY24 to Rs 53.2 crore.
The management said the strong performance was fueled by the robust growth in AUM, which witnessed 32 per cent YoY increase, reaching to Rs 43,413 crore. This growth was driven by cumulative efforts of team and favorable market conditions.
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