Shares of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) hit an over six-year high at Rs 164.60, as they rallied 5 per cent on the BSE in Wednesday’s intra-day trade backed by heavy volumes after signing of contract. The company today said that it signed a contract with Ministry of Defence (MoD) for 16 nos. super rapid gun mounts (SRGMs) against the Letter of Intent (LOI) received earlier in March 2023.
The stock of state-owned company was trading at its highest level since May 2017. Since April, the market price of BHEL has more-than-doubled or zoomed 135 per cent from level
The stock of state-owned company was trading at its highest level since May 2017. Since April, the market price of BHEL has more-than-doubled or zoomed 135 per cent from level