GE T&D India share price surged up to 4.44 per cent at Rs 1,800 per share on the BSE in Thursday’s intraday deals. The share price of the company has appreciated 235 per cent year to date against a rise of 13.3 per cent in the benchmark BSE Sensex during this period.
The recent buzz in the stock price came after the company bagged multiple orders on Wednesday worth 155 million Euro.
The company in separate exchange filings stated that France based Grid Solutions SAS and GRID SOLUTIONS Middle East FZE in Dubai have placed orders for supply and supervision of high voltage products.
Grid Solutions SAS’s order value amounted to 55 million Euro, and will be executed within the next 5 years. While GRID SOLUTIONS Middle East FZE’s order value stood at 100 million Euro and will be executed by 2029, the company stated.
GE T&D India is a major player in the power transmission and distribution sector. With six manufacturing facilities, the company produces a full range of transmission equipment up to Extra and Ultra High Voltages (765 kV and above), including air-insulated switchgear (AIS), locally made power transformers, and gas-insulated switchgear (GIS).
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GE T&D India also offers advanced power electronics solutions, Smart Grid technologies, and integration of renewable energies for efficient transmission and distribution.
For the April-June quarter of financial year 2024-25 (Q1FY25), GE T&D India reported a net profit of Rs 134.5 crore for the June 2024 quarter, driven by higher income. This compares to Rs 28.2 crore in the same period of the previous fiscal year. Total income climbed to Rs 970.1 crore from Rs 729.5 crore year-on-year.
The company has a total market capitalisation of Rs 45,192.21 crore. Its shares are trading at a price to earnings multiple of 153.56 times with an earning per share of Rs 11.22, according to data available on BSE.
At 09:54 AM; the share price of the company was trading 2.13 per cent higher at Rs 1,760 a piece. By comparison, the BSE Sensex was trading 0.37 per cent higher at 81,826 levels.