Shares of KP Green Engineering climbed 4.3 per cent at Rs 570 a piece on the BSE in Tuesday’s intraday trade. KP Green Engineering share price jumped after the company received new orders from multiple clients amounting to Rs 165.70 crore.
KP Green Engineering across various segments, showcasing its growing market presence. The orders include Rs 100.20 crores for solar projects, Rs 39.10 crores for transmission towers, Rs 11.70 crores for crash barriers, Rs 4.20 crores for cable trays, Rs 2.60 crores for isolators, and Rs 7.90 crores for international solar supplies.
The company plans to execute these orders within the current financial year.
KP Green Engineering got listed on the BSE SME on March 22, 2024, listing at a 38.89 per cent premium over the issue price of Rs 144 per share.
The stock performance has been in line with the market in the last six months as it has fallen 1.74 per cent, while, the BSE Sensex has fallen 1.28 per cent in the last six months. The company has a total market capitalisation of Rs 2,817.50 crore.
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At 12:08 PM, the stock price of the company advanced by 3.16 per cent at Rs 570 a piece on the BSE. By comparison, the BSE’s Sensex was down 0.37 per cent to 77,955.81 level.
KP Green Engineering Limited (KPGE) is a company that specializes in manufacturing steel products and providing engineering services to the infrastructure and renewable energy sectors.
KPGE produces a diverse range of products, including lattice towers, substation structures, solar module mounting structures, cable trays, earthing strips, and beam crash barriers.
The company offers various services, such as fault rectification for optical fiber cables, galvanizing, and solar installations. KPGE operates a 200,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Dabhasa, Vadodara, Gujarat, which is equipped with advanced CNC machinery.
Additionally, they are developing a new unit in Matar, Bharuch, expected to be operational by 2024-25. Established in 1994, KPGE has a strong track record in the industry.