Shares of Orchid Pharma soared up to 7.69 per cent, hitting its 52-week high at Rs 1,591.55 per share on the BSE in Tuesday’s early morning deals. The stock price jumped after the company reported its April-June quarter of financial year 2024-25 (Q1FY25) on August 12, 2024.
Orchid Pharma’s consolidated profit surged by 212.2 per cent year on year (YoY) to reach Rs 29.4 crore, compared to Rs 9.4 crore in the same period last year.
The company's revenue also saw a significant rise, growing by 33.6 per cent to Rs 244.4 crore, up from Rs 182.9 crore. Additionally, other income for the quarter jumped to Rs 7.6 crore, an increase from Rs 1.88 crore reported in the previous year.
The company’s total expenses also surged by 28.1 per cent YoY to Rs 223 crore in Q1FY25 versus Rs 174 crore in the same quarter last year.
Orchid Pharma has a total market capitalisation of Rs 7,511.75 crore. The company is presently trading at a price to earnings multiple of 79.11 times, while trading at an earning per share (EPS) of Rs 18.68.
The share price of the company has zoomed 34.94 per cent year to date, while rallying 166.82 per cent in the last one year
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At 12:06 PM; the stock price of the company pared all its gains and was trading 0.21 per cent higher at Rs 1481.05 per share on the BSE. By comparison the BSE Sensex slipped by 0.10 per cent at 79,566 levels.
Orchid Pharma Ltd., headquartered in Chennai, India, is involved in the development, manufacture, and marketing of bulk active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), formulations, and nutraceuticals. The company exports to over 40 countries.
Orchid Pharma has manufacturing facilities in Chennai that comply with US FDA standards for APIs and finished dosage forms. It also operates a GLP-compliant research and development infrastructure in Chennai for process research, drug discovery, and pharmaceutical research.