Signature Global (India) shares gained 3.7 per cent in Wednesday's trade on BSE, logging an intraday high at Rs 1,403.35 per share. The stock gained after the company released its Q3 update. Around 9:21 AM, Signature Global share price was up 2.62 per cent at Rs 1,388.2 per share on BSE. In comparison, the BSE Sensex was down 0.11 per cent at 78,113.39. The market capitalisation of the company stood at Rs 19,399.61 crore. The 52-week high of the stock stood at Rs 1,645.85 per share and the 52-week low of the stock stood at Rs 1,021.2 per share.
In its Q3 update, released on Tuesday after market hours, the company reported a 120 per cent rise in year-on-year (Y-o-Y) sales at Rs 277 crore as compared to Rs 126 crore a year ago. On a sequential basis, the pre-sales growth was flat at Rs 277 crore. The company's collections increased 40 per cent Y-o-Y to Rs 108 crore as compared to Rs 77 crore a year ago and Rs 92 crore in Q2FY25.
Meanwhile, it logged the best-ever 9M FY25 pre-sales with R 867 crore, reflecting an impressive 178 per cent growth Y-o-Y. With these pre-sales performances, the company has achieved 87 per cent of its sales guidance of Rs 1000 crore for FY25.
Net debt of Signature Global reduced to Rs 72 crore in 9M FY25 in comparison to Rs 116 crore at the end of FY24.
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"The strong demand during the festive season underscores the appeal of our carefully designed projects. Moving forward, we remain committed to refining our offerings to meet the evolving needs of homebuyers. With this momentum, Signature Global is well-positioned to seize new opportunities, reinforce its market presence, and continue creating lasting value for our stakeholders," said Pradeep Kumar Aggarwal, chairman and whole- time director, Signature Global.
Signature Global, a real estate development company in India, is reshaping the housing market in northern India. Initially established as a key player in affordable housing, the company has broadened its portfolio by focusing on the premium and mid-housing segment, with a strong emphasis on quality execution, value creation, reliability, and adherence to global standards.
Supported by prominent investors like Nomura, HDFC, IFC, Standard Chartered, Bandhan MF, and Kotak, Signature Global upholds high standards of corporate governance. The company has so far delivered 12 million sq. ft. of housing area and boasts a robust pipeline of approximately 34.9 million sq. ft. of saleable area in forthcoming projects along with 15.8 million sq. ft. of ongoing projects, set for execution over the next 2-3 years.
In the past one year, Signature Global shares have gained 24.3 per cent against Sensex's rise of 9.5 per cent.