Shares of Pearl Global Industries Limited (PGIL) hit a new high of Rs 1,470, surging 12 per cent on the BSE in Tuesday’s intra-day trade. The stock of garments & apparels maker was trading higher for the sixth straight day, soaring 45 per cent during the period on expectations of strong earnings.
In past two months, the stock price of PGIL has more-than-doubled or zoomed 104 per cent. Further, in past three months, it has skyrocketed 150 per cent.
PGIL (including its subsidiaries) manufactures readymade garments, across categories (knits/woven/denim/non-denim/outerwear) and segments (men’s wear, women’s wear as well as
In past two months, the stock price of PGIL has more-than-doubled or zoomed 104 per cent. Further, in past three months, it has skyrocketed 150 per cent.
PGIL (including its subsidiaries) manufactures readymade garments, across categories (knits/woven/denim/non-denim/outerwear) and segments (men’s wear, women’s wear as well as