Shares of Tega Industries were locked at the 10 per cent upper circuit at Rs 899.85 on the BSE in Wednesday’s intra-day trade in an otherwise weak market after the company reported 58.1 per cent year-on-year (YoY) jump in its consolidated net profit at Rs 77.30 crore, on strong operational performance.
The company’s consolidated revenues grew 36.7 per cent YoY to Rs 396.4 crore. Absolute earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) came at Rs 102.8 crore, grew by 49.1 per cent YoY with EBITDA margins expanded by 217 bps YoY to 25.9 per cent.
With the new acquisition of McNally Sayaji, Tega industries is expected to yield a 15-20 per cent growth for the next few years, along with a revenue growth by 5 per cent. The move is expected to bolster Tega's offerings in the material handling space, in line with the company's strategy of backward integration, according to ICICI Securities.
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Tega Industries is a leading manufacturer & distributor of specialized ‘critical to operate’ & recurring consumable products. The company caters to global mineral beneficiation, mining & bulk solids handling industry.
Thus far in the calendar year, the stock has zoomed 56 per cent, as compared to 2.3 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. Till 03:09 PM; a combined around 960,000 shares had changed hands and there were pending buy orders for 23,000 shares on the NSE and BSE.