Shares of PTC Industries hit a new high of Rs 17,166.85, as they surged 10 per cent on the BSE in Tuesday’s intra-day trade, extending its past three-day rally to almost 29 per cent rally on the back of healthy growth outlook. Since December 18, in less than three weeks, the market price of this BSE 500 company has zoomed 53 per cent from a level of Rs 11,231.85.
Investor Mukul Mahavir Agrawal held 160,000 equity shares or 1.07 per cent stake in PTC Industries at the end of September 2024 quarter, the shareholding pattern data shows.
PTC Industries is a leading Indian manufacturer of precision metal components for critical applications. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Aerolloy Technologies, the company manufactures and supplies Titanium and Superalloy castings for Aerospace and Defence applications within India as well as for exports.
The company is substantially expanding its Aerospace castings capability by making a multi-million-dollar investment in a new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at the newly acquired 50 acres land in the Lucknow node of the Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor. This facility will be fully vertically integrated with a Titanium and Superalloy Mill, producing aerospace grade ingots, billets, bars, plates and sheets in these critical and strategic materials.
In the past two consecutive calendar years, the stock price of PTC Industries has more-than-doubled. In CY23, it zoomed 137 per cent, while, in the previous calendar year 2024, it had soared 124 per cent.
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On January 1, 2025, PTC Industries announced that Aerolloy Technologies (ATL) has achieved a monumental milestone by becoming the first and only Indian private company to commission a Vacuum Arc Remelting (VAR) furnace and produce aerospace-grade Titanium alloy ingots.
This state-of-the-art, German manufactured VAR furnace, positions Aerolloy among a select few companies globally with the capability, infrastructure, and technology to manufacture Titanium alloy ingots for critical applications in aerospace and defence industries, the company said in an exchange filing.
This VAR furnace has an impressive annual melting capacity of 1,500 MT (based on double-melt quality standards) and can produce Titanium alloy ingots up to 1,000 mm in diameter and weighing up to 10 MT. With this achievement, Aerolloy Technologies bridges a significant technological gap in India, bringing the nation closer to global Parity in the production of strategic materials for high-performance applications, PTC Industries said.
Meanwhile, in the July to September quarter (Q2FY25), PTC Industries reported a robust growth of 112.7 per cent year-on-year (YoY) in consolidated net profit at Rs 17.31 crore, as against Rs 8.14 crore in Q2FY24. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) margin improved 611 bps to 36.7 per cent from 30.6 per cent. Total income grew 34 per cent YoY at Rs 80.79 crore.
ATL received an order from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), for supply of Titanium cast components for Aerospace applications. This is the first time that IAI is sourcing such cast components from India. PTC Industries has been awarded a substantial order from BAE Systems to provide Titanium castings for the M777 Ultra-Lightweight Howitzer, including Spade Trails and Blades.