Afcom Holdings share’s dream run continued on the BSE, with the stock hitting a new high at Rs 1,014.65; frozen at the 5 per cent upper circuit in Thursday’s intra-day trade. The market price of the SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) company was trading higher for the fourth straight day, surging 17 per cent during the period. Within the last two months, the stock has nearly doubled from levels of Rs 435 on November 14, 2024.
Till 02:38 PM; around 44,000 equity shares changed hands and there were pending buy orders for 119,280 shares on the BSE.
Currently, the stock of the logistics solutions provider has zoomed 839 per cent against its issue price of Rs 108 per share. Afcom Holdings made a robust market debut on August 9, in the BSE SME segment, with the company’s shares listed with a 99 per cent premium over its issue price of Rs 215.45 per share.
The recent up move in stock price has come following the company's announcement on December 30, 2024, that it has started services in international flight operations to Bangkok.
On December 12, the company said it obtained the Air Operator Permit (‘AOP’) for the commencement of Dry Lease Aircraft operation.
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Afcom Holdings is the logistics solutions provider that operates on an airport-to-airport basis, through General Sales and Service Agents (GSSAs) in India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan. The company works closely with the leading freight forwarders, both in India as well as in the ASEAN region, including countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei, among others.
The company has signed an agreement with Taylor Logistics Private Limited (a part of the TTK Group) to represent the airline in India. Apart from that, it has also signed up as a GSSA for the Air Logistics Group (a part of World Freight Company) to represent them in far-eastern countries.
Meanwhile, in first half (April to September) of the financial year 2024-25 (H1FY25), Afcom Holdings reported a healthy operational performance with earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (Ebitda) margins improved to 30.47 per cent from 23.36 per cent in H1FY24. Profit after tax jumped 54.6 per cent year-on-year (YoY) at Rs 18.86 crore, on back of 26.5 per cent rise in the total income at Rs 90.19 crore over the same period previous fiscal.
According to Afcom Holding’s investor presentation, India's air freight market was pegged at $13.08 billion in 2023; and it is expected to reach $17.22 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.65 per cent.
Since the interventions and measures envisaged by the government can increase efficiency and remove redundancies in the air cargo supply chain, India has the potential to become a vital player in the global air freight market. Increased exports of heavy industry components, pharma, and perishables from India is creating a robust demand for the air cargo sector and thereby resulting in great revenue generation, the company said.