Shares of Mishra Dhatu Nigam (MIDHANI) hit a record high of Rs 476.40, as they zoomed 17 per cent on the BSE in Wednesday’s intra-day trade amid heavy volumes on the back of strong business outlook. The stock surpassed its previous high of Rs 447.95 touched on September 12, 2023.
The stock of state-owned aerospace & defense company recorded its sharpest intra-day rally in past over three years. Earlier, on April 7, 2020, it had surged 17.16 per cent on the BSE, the exchange data shows. While, in March 27, 2020, it had rallied 20 per cent in intra-day
The stock of state-owned aerospace & defense company recorded its sharpest intra-day rally in past over three years. Earlier, on April 7, 2020, it had surged 17.16 per cent on the BSE, the exchange data shows. While, in March 27, 2020, it had rallied 20 per cent in intra-day