Shares of Varun Beverages (VBL) surged 5 per cent to Rs 973.05, hitting a new high on the BSE in Tuesday’s intra-day trade amid expectations of the company continuing its strong growth momentum. The stock of Pepsi India bottler was quoting higher for the fourth straight day and rallied 7.5 per cent during the period.
The stock surpassed its previous high of Rs 941.60 touched on September 5. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 0.08 per cent at 65,972 at 11:51 AM. The benchmark index has slipped 1.3 per cent in past four trading days. Meanwhile, thus
The stock surpassed its previous high of Rs 941.60 touched on September 5. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 0.08 per cent at 65,972 at 11:51 AM. The benchmark index has slipped 1.3 per cent in past four trading days. Meanwhile, thus