02:32 PM, 16th Oct 2018
This is in connection with the above referred letters dated July 12 2016 vide which the Scheme of Arrangement and Amalgamation (Scheme) involving merger of OCL India Limited (Company) and other entities into Odisha Cement Limited (ODCL) was approved by your good offices. Further the Scheme has since been sanctioned by the National Company Law Tribunal Division Bench Chennai (NCLT) vide its order dated February 19/28 2018. The requisite compliances under Regulation 37(5) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 read with Para II.A.2 of Annexure I of the SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/CMD/16/2015 dated November 30 2015 have been done with your good offices vide our letter dated March 8 2018. <BR> <BR> The Board of Directors of the Company and other entities involved in the Scheme in their respective Board meeting(s) held today i.e. October 15 2018 resolved and approved October 26 2018 to be the date for implementing the Scheme (Implementation Date) with effect from the Appointed Date i.e. January 01 2015. The Company shall accordingly stand dissolved and trading of the Companys securities shall stop with effect from October 25 2018. <BR> <BR> It is further notified that Odisha Cement Limited has in its Board meeting held today October 15 2018 fixed October 26 2018 (Record Date) for determining the shareholders of the Company to whom its shares will be issued and allotted in terms of the Scheme. Further Odisha Cement Limited has also resolved to list such shares on BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited.<BR> <BR> Please take the above on record. <BR>