BSE : 543637
Sector :Others
ISIN Code : INE0N1L01018
Not ListedBSE
-0.65 (-1.92%)
12:00 AM,20th Dec 2024
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 we hereby inform you that the Company has always disclosed to the Stock Exchange all material information which has a bearing on the operations/ performance of the Company which include all price sensitive information within the stipulated time. We hereby submit to the Stock Exchange that we are not aware of any significant movement in the price of our shares. The movement in the share price is purely market driven and may be combination of various other factors. Company reiterates it adherence to the requirement of Regulation 30 of LODR and will Stock Exchange updated of any information and also safeguard the interests of the shareholders.