BSE : 500329
Sector :IT
ISIN Code : INE202A01022
Not ListedBSE
0.00 (0.00%)
12:00 AM,7th Jun 2021
We write this letter to your good office to seek extension of time for submission of the aforesaid financial results for the year ended 31st March 2020 on the following grounds:<BR> The entire normal day to day activities and operations of the Company have been affected adversely and in spite of all possible efforts it is very difficult to prepare/finalise the financial result for the quarter / year ended 31st March 2020.<BR> Further the Auditors are also unable to mobilize their resources to conduct Audit and issue Auditors Report for the quarter / year ended 31st March 2020.<BR> As explained in our letter dated 31/07/2020 our area is still under quarantine. The commutation by the Directors and employees are restricted.<BR> In view of this extraordinary circumstance it is humbly requested to kindly consider our request and accord approval by further extending the time to file the financial results upto 14th September 2020.<BR> <BR>