11:47 AM, 15th Feb 2023
In continuation to our earlier disclosures in relation to the Scheme of Amalgamation between Avadh Snacks Private Limited (Transferor Company 1) Red Rotopack Private Limited (Transferor Company 2) and Prataap Snacks Limited (Transferee Company) and their respective shareholders and creditors (Scheme) we write to inform you that the Honble National Company Law Tribunal Ahmedabad Bench (NCLT Ahmedabad) under whose jurisdiction the Transferor Company 1 and Transferor Company 2 fall has on 10th February 2023 pronounced the Order sanctioning the Scheme in an open court hearing. A copy of the Order pronounced by the NCLT Ahmedabad as uploaded and made available on the National Company Law Tribunal website is enclosed.We further write to inform you that the Order sanctioning the Scheme by Honble National Company Law Tribunal Indore Bench (NCLT Indore) under whose jurisdiction the Transferee Company falls is awaited.