Capital markets regulator Sebi has asked six entities, including Reliance Home Finance Ltd (RHFL) and former company officials, to pay Rs 129 crore for the illegal diversion of funds from the firm. The regulator has warned these entities to attach assets and bank accounts if they fail to make the payment within 15 days. Sebi sent notices to Reliance Home Finance, Ravindra Sudhalkar, Amit Bapna, Pinkesh Shah, Phi Management Solutions Pvt Ltd and Adhar Project Management and Consultancy Pvt Ltd in the case. The demand notices came after these entities failed to pay the fine imposed on them by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in August this year. In six separate notices, Sebi directed these six entities to pay the amount in the range of Rs 6.25 lakh to Rs 28.08 crore, which includes interest and recovery costs within 15 days. In the event of non-payment of dues, the market regulator will recover the amount by attaching and selling the moveable and immovable property
Sebi on Monday asked five entities, including Netizen Engineering and Citi Securities and Financial Services, to pay Rs 130 crore for the illegal diversion of funds from Reliance Home Finance Ltd. The regulator has warned these entities to attach assets and bank accounts if they fail to make the payment within 15 days. Those who have sent notices are Netizen Engineering Pvt Ltd, Gamesa Investment Management Pvt Ltd, Vinayak Ventures Pvt Ltd, Deep Industrial Finance Ltd and Citi Securities and Financial Services Pvt Ltd. The demand notices came after these entities failed to pay the fine imposed on them by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in August. In five separate notices, the markets watchdog directed these five entities to pay Rs 26 crore each which includes interest and recovery costs within 15 days. In the event of non-payment of dues, the market regulator will recover the amount by attaching and selling the moveable and immovable property of these entities.
Markets regulator Sebi on Monday imposed a penalty of Rs 1 crore on Anmol Ambani, son of industrialist Anil Ambani, for his failure to exercise due diligence while approving general-purpose corporate loans in Reliance Home Finance matter. Additionally, the regulator levied a fine of Rs 15 lakh on Krishnan Gopalakrishnan, who was the Chief Risk Officer of Reliance Housing Finance. Both have been directed to pay the amount within 45 days, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in its order. The order came after Sebi, in August, barred Anil Ambani and 24 others from the securities market for five years in a case pertaining to diversion of Reliance Home Finance Ltd's funds. Also, a fine of Rs 25 crore was levied on him. In its order on Monday, Sebi noted that Anmol Ambani, who was on the board of Reliance Home Finance, had approved general-purpose corporate loans or GPCL loans, and that too after the company's board of directors had given clear direction not to go ahead
No action against us, clarify Rel Infra, Rel Power
Sebi imposes Rs 624 cr fine on 27 individuals, entities
Sebi bans Anil Ambani news: According to a PTI report, Sebi has barred Anil Ambani, and 24 other entities, from the securities market for a period of five years
Anil Ambani and 24 other entities have been barred from the securities market for five years for fund diversions from Reliance Home Finance Ltd