Sensex zoomed 1,324.69 points or 1.68 per cent and logged an intraday high at 79,832.10, while Nifty advanced 409 points or 1.7 per cent to the day's high at 24,151.9. Here's why
Markets Today LIVE: Benchmark Indian equity indices BSE Sensex and Nifty50 were trading higher on Thursday as most major global markets return from the New Year's Day break
Technical charts show the Nifty Auto index can potentially rally another 10% to 26,180 levels; while select stocks such as M&M, Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland can surge up to 15%.
CreditAccess Grameen shares: Spandana Sphoorty share price gained 3.6 per cent intraday today; Equitas Small Finance Bank 2.2 per cent; IndusInd Bank 1.9 per cent; and Ujjivan SFB 1 per cent
Shares of Eicher Motors, Anant Raj, Coromandel Int'l, Ipca Labs, and Lupin, among others too hit new record highs as the markets rallied higher