Tokyo (Japan) Apr 24 (ANI): This intricate samurai figure is created entirely from folded paper. This art form is known as Origami, which originates from Japan. This piece of art can be found at Origami Kaikan in Ochanomizu, Tokyo. Origami began in temples where the paper was folded in a special way to be presented as a token of appreciation to the god. It then became a form of entertainment and games for a variety of ages, as it was taught in school. Today origami has become a huge inspiration for a variety of fields such as medical appliance, and origami engineering which is applicable to architecture or aeronautical engineering. Visitors can come and enjoy a range of experience, as well as learn the process of creating origami. There is also a paper-dyeing studio that visitors can view, and see how the paper used for origami is dyed. Origami is a Japanese art form that can bring people together all over the world.