The market capitalisation of companies listed on BSE crossed the threshold of $5 trillion for the first time on Tuesday. This has made India the fifth member of the $5 trillion market-cap “club” after the US, China, Japan, and Hong Kong. In this context, our lead editorial notes that in terms of fundamentals, it is hard to justify high valuations across sectors. The smallcap and midcap segments would be most vulnerable if there is a selloff, and that might be triggered if investors are spooked by electoral results. Read here
In other views
In the escalating contest between the West and the Rest, it is now clear that the West, while still packing the more powerful punch, is weakening, writes T N Ninan. Read here
Amit Kapoor & Bibek Debroy argue that as we prepare ourselves for more innovative and equitable work, with more and more people benefiting from the advantages and opportunities that cities offer, we must ensure that our cities are equipped to be homes for millions of people. Read here